My name is Antoine Beyeler. I am a multidisciplinary engineer and entrepreneur with a PhD in flying robotics and interests in software, aviation, photography, generative art, plotters, and home automation. I live in Lausanne, Switzerland 🇨🇭.

I recently joined as software engineer to learn Rust 🦀 while developing visualisation frameworks and products for computer vision and robotics practitioners.

Earlier, with a few friends, I co-founded senseFly (now named AgEagle), which soon became the leader of fixed-wing mapping drones for surveyors, farmers, humanitarians and many others. Until my departure in 2018, I lead as CTO a team of up to 45 engineers and developed multiple generations of end-to-end mapping drone systems.

I am also involved in advisory capacity with several Swiss start-ups.

On my spare time, I dabble in generative art and pen plotters, and maintain two open-source projects I created in that space:

  • vpype: a Swiss-Army-knife CLI to generate, manage, process, and convert vector graphic files for plotters,
  • vsketch: a Python plotter generative art framework and workflow automation tool.

When I am not at the computer, you may find me piloting a helicopter 🚁 or behind the camera 📷 on my travels.


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